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Model 1280 (A-6) Multiple Point, Rod, Flexible | Discontinued

  • Model A-6 Flexible Rod Extensometer  (this product has been discontinued).
Model 1280 (A-6)

The Model A-6 Flexible Rod Extensometer uses continuous lengths of fiberglass rods (inside protective tubing), cut to customer-specified lengths, coiled at the factory and shipped ready for installation. The extensometer is lightweight, making it easier to handle for installation and less costly to ship. On-site assembly time is minimal and the installation procedure is simplified.

The Model A-6 has been replaced by the Model 1100 Rod Type Borehole Extensometer.


Standard Range
up to 300 mm nominal
Least Reading
0.025 mm
Borehole Diameter¹
50 mm minimum (for single point)
Maximum Length
100 m

¹Note that the size of the hole required increases with the addition of more measuring points.

Please Note: GEOKON maintains an ongoing policy of design review and reserves the right to amend products and specifications without notice. Various instruments are discontinued over time and replaced with new, updated models.
